What We Do
The Council is responsible for:​
play area at Gimingham Playing field
commenting on planning application(s)
the village notice board
general maintenance around the village. including various village benches, bus shelters and emptying of litter bins
Liaison with outside organisations
Gimingham Parish Council is seeking a new
CLERK AND RFO - please see job description attached.
Gimingham Parish
Gimingham Parish Council is a village and civil parish in North Norfolk. At the time of the 2011 Census, a population of circa 513 residents was recorded. It falls within the catchment of North Norfolk District Council.
This site is primarily for Parish Council information. For lots of other village information, see the village site at: giminghamvillage.weebly.com
Duncan Baker MP - attended the meeting and gave an update on Speeding, Dentists, Flooding, Banking and Mobile Signal. Duncan has also been proactive in assisting the Parish Council in engaging with Highways for an improved drainage system at the top of Gimingham. Members agreed to apply for funding towards a bus shelter at the Pound via the NCC Parish Partnership Scheme. Ed Maxfield our County Councillor kindly agreed to contribute £3k towards this project which is estimated to cost approximately £4,107. This facility has been requested over the years however the funds had not been available to do this. It is hoped that the Council will be successful
in its grant application.
Gimingham "Clubhouse" - we are hopeful to rent this out soon and that in time it will be offering a beneficial service to the community. The Council is aiming over the next few years to encourage funding to complete the works on the structure. The income from the rental will financially contribute towards any upgrade. The cost is estimated at around £140-160k which would include the reconnection of the electricity and water facility - this is around £10k.
Playing Field - a new grass cutting scheme has been developed and it is hoped that this will give a solution to the requests for an improved and more regular system of cutting. Play equipment - the Council agreed to review the costings for a small see-saw to replace the OXO unit. The cost of this is approximately £1,500 plus VAT.
Tree maintenance of the Grove will take place together with the hedge cutting at the Playing Field and allotments. Allotment invoices have all been sent out and prompt payment is appreciated from leaseholders.
Please remember everything which the Council spends has to be follow legislation and any works are funded by you the residents via your Precept. We aim to keep the Precept down however, in 2024/2025 due to escalating costs have had to increase the Precept by approximately 10%.
If you would like to be considered to be co-opted onto the Parish Council please let the Clerk know - there are currently 3 vacancies.
The village now owns a SAM2 and this is moved every 4 weeks by members of the Council to try and remind drivers of their speed. If you would like to be involved in this please let us know. SAM2 Speed Comparison Figures for 2022 (XLS).